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his brother ruled

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Q: Who effectively ruled France in place of the weak King Louis XIII?
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Who rules new France?

King Louis XIV ruled New France from 1633 - 1700

What did king Louis XIV ruled?

He was the King of France.

Who ruled France after king Frances?

Louis XV.

Louis XIV ruled France in an absolute?

King Louis XIV ruled France as an absolute monarch. He ruled for a little over 72 years and is the countries longest ruling King.

Who ruled France before Louis xiv?

His grandfather, Louis XV.

Louis XVI ruled France during?

The French Revolution.

Who ruled France for over 70 years?

Louis XIV

What countries did France rule under Louis XIV?

the country that France ruled was Canada

What king ruled after Napoleon was sent to Elba?

After Napoleon was sent in exile to Elba, France was ruled by king Louis VIII.

Who ruled France until 1789?

Louis XVI (the 16th) was the reigning monarch in 1789.

What country was King Louis third from?

King Louis III was from France. He ruled as King of the Franks from 879 to 882.

Who came to power of France?

King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoiette ruled France until they were beheaded in 1793