

Who dug up John Wycliffe's bones?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Who dug up John Wycliffe's bones?
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What did the Catholic Church command to be done with John Wycliffe's bones?

Decades after Wycliffe's death his bones were dug up, burned, and the ashes were thrown into the Swift River.

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I think no.

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In 1838, John Estaugh Hopkins was digging and found some interesting bones, which he displayed in his home. In 1858, William Parker Foulke saw the bones. He was interested and dug up the rest of the skeleton. That was the discovery of Hadrosaurus.

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it may come from some dinosaur bones that were dug up and mistook for dragons

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I dug up the time capsule yesterday.

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Dinosaurs did not exist in 1803, and they were not classified as a distinct animal species until 1842 (although ancients dug up dinosaur bones and attributed them to monsters).

What is the opposite of word dug up?

The opposite of "dug up" would be "buried" or "covered."

What did dinosaurs contributes in ancient times?

There is a theory paleontologists cane up with that ancient people such as the Chinese dug up some dinosaur bones and that is how the Chinese dragon may have ben thought up. This is just a theory though it is not a fact.

Which word does not belong just dug used up?

The phrase should be 'just dug up'. The word used does not fit.

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The name of the dog from the movie "Up" was Dug. Dug is a friendly puppy like dog who is full of love for his new friends Carl, Russel, and Kevin. Dug also appears in his own short, "Dug's Special Mission".

Should people bring stuff up from the titanic?

they should they need to research and do test and analysis on the artifacts like things in museums, no one cared that dinosaur bones were dug up from the ground and put in research labs and museums

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They are dug up.