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Adah Doyle

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12y ago

Caesar's wife Calpurnia dreams this. She thinks it means that something terrible is going to happen to Caesar. Decius Brutus says that it means that Caesar provides the life blood to Rome. Caesar's vanity makes him go with Decius's explanation, although in fact Calpurnia was right.

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Calpurnia, his wife.

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Q: Who dreamed that Caesar and statue was spewing blood and the Romans were bathing in it?
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Examples of foreshadowing in Julius Caesar?

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With the Romans? Julius Caesar was a Roman.

Who dreamed that caesers statue was spewing bloodand the Romans were bathing in it?

Brutus,Casca, Trebonius, Cassius, and later Antony bathe their hands in the blood of Julius Caeser. Antony does this later by acknowledging those responsible "Let each man render me his bloody hand" and in doing so implies that he is now in league with them since in shaking each hand he has put blood on his own.In doing so they take equal resposibility for cleansing Rome of its overly ambitious leader.The blood covering the conspirators' hands is a bad omen forcasting their own downfall and destruction.

What are bathing houses?

Houses where Romans bathed.

What is Calphurnia's dream?

The dream that Caliphurnia, the wife of Julius Caesar, had the night before the ides of march was supposed to be prophetic. It depicted omens of chaos, and Romans bathing in Caesar's blood, which portends Caesar's death. The dream frightens Calphurnia, and she attempts to warn him to stay away from the capital.

Who was Romans first emperor?

Romans first emperor was julius caesar

Which roman republic was made by jullius Caesar?

The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.

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How did the Romans take over France?

The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.The Romans took over France by conquest. Julius Caesar was the one who added Gaul (France) to the empire.

Who led the Romans into France?

Julius Caesar was the one who led the Romans into what is now France.

How civilised were the Romans to Julius caesar?

the roman were rome

Who invaded Britain first?

Romans General Caesar