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Freemasonry is not about worship at all. Individual Freemasons worship God in their own individual ways. Chris may go to the church on Sunday, Moishe may go to synagogue on Saturday and Abdul may attend jumaa on Friday but they can all meet together in a Masonic Lodge because the Lodge is not about how they worship. It's no more a religious group than the Boy Scouts.

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They worship satan.

You can watch TruthUnedited's History of Religion (Part 70): What is Freemasonry? on YouTube. He goes over what Freemasonry really is.

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Do freemason worship Satan?

Freemasons don't worship Satan.

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As far as I know, nobody worships freemasons in Tanzania or anywhere else. As for where Freemasons worship, it is at whatever church, synagogue, temple or mosque they choose to worship at.

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Freemasons anywhere can worship in whatever church, mosque, synagogue or temple their religious convictions direct them to. Freemasonry is not a religion and does not require its members to worship in any way.

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No freemasons have ever been tied to Satanism nor has a pentagram anything to do with genuine masonic symbolism

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The Freemasons and Illuminati did not merge.

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No, freemasons are religious