

Who discovered ununquadium?

Updated: 10/12/2022
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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Workers at the Nuclear Institute at Dubna, Russia.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: Who discovered ununquadium?
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How does ununquadium function?

Ununquadium is now known as Flerovium (Fl), was discovered in 1998, was man made and is radioactive.It has At. No. 114; At. Wt. 289; Group 14; Period 7.It is believed to be a solid and metallic at 25C.

What is the Latin name of ununquadium?

Also ununquadium.

What is the symbol for ununquadium?

The chemical symbol of ununquadium is Uuq.

How many electrons are in ununquadium?

Ununquadium has 114 electrons.

Why does ununquadium exist?

Ununquadium is an artificial chemical element.

Which compounds contain ununquadium?

Ununquadium don't contain compounds.

What are the health risks of ununquadium?

Ununquadium is a radioactive chemical element.

What does ununquadium react with?

The chemistry of ununquadium is not known up today.

What is the atomic number of ununquadium?

Ununquadium, with the chemical symbol Uuq, has the atomic number 114.

How many isotopes are in ununquadium?

Today are known five isotopes of ununquadium.

Is ununquadium part of the carbon family?

It is supposed that ununquadium is a noble gas.

What family belongs to ununquadium?

It is supposed thet ununquadium is a noble gas.