

Who discovered the alphabet?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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9y ago

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The alphabet was not discovered by a single person, however it was developed over the course of thousands of years. One of the first written alphabets was the Egyptian hieroglyphs. The modern English alphabet is derived from Latin. The order this alphabet is in was designated in 1011 by a monk named Byrhtfero. At this time, however the letters U and J did not exist. These letters were introduced in the 16th century.

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No one discovered the English alphabet. It was invented by Catholic monks who adapted the Latin alphabet to fit English.

What year was the ancient Greek alphebet first discovered?

No one 'discovered' it. It was adapted from the Phoenician alphabet in the 8th Century BCE.

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Nobody. The English borrowed the Latin alphabet in the 8th or 9th Century, and then modified it to fit the sounds of English.___English uses the Latin alphabet, which in turn developed from the Greek alphabet. That in turn developed from various alphabets in use in the Mediterranean region ... Nobody invented the alphabet.Nobody. It was invented. Alpha and beta are A and b in ancient Greek. ___ English uses the Roman alphabet, which in turn developed from the Greek alphabet. That in turn developed from various alphabets in use in the Mediterranean region ... Nobody invented the alphabet.

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Andre Weil first used it in 1939 and got the idea from a letter in the Danish and Norwegian alphabet.

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There is no known pioneer of the English alphabet. Early monks adapted the Latin alphabet for use in English, but no one knows any of their names.

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The are no alphabets native to the Americas as far as any has ever discovered. Most native writing systems are syllabic or pictographic.The alphabet most widely used in the Americas is the Latin alphabet, which was brought by the Europeans. It is used for English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch, and most other minority languages of North and South America.

What alphabet was the model for our alphabet?

We use the Latin alphabet, which was based on the Greek Alphabet, which was inspired by the Hebrew Alphabet.

Is the Russian alphabet derived from the Greek alphabet?

The Cyrillic alphabet is derived from the Greek alphabet, with the addition of several characters from the Hebrew alphabet.

What alphabet was Greek alphabet based on?

The Greek alphabet was based on the Phoenician alphabet.

What alphabet was the basis of the greek alphabet?

The Phoenician alphabet was the inspiration for the Greek alphabet.