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Q: Who did the Protective Tariff hurt?
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The southern economy was hurt by this protective tariff because?

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What is a tax placed on goods from another country to protect the home industry?

protective tariff

What was the high tariff to limit foreign competition?

A high tariff to limit foreign competition is called a protective tariff.

How might a country react to another country's protective tariff?

Sometimes a country suffering from a protective tariff will enact a tariff of its own on a product.

What is the purpose of protective tariff?

The purpose of a protective tariff. First of all, what is a protective tariff? It is a tax on imported goods (or goods that come into the country).So, a protective tariff would be one that protects the country from foreign competition. For example, the tariff of 1828. Northern prices were getting too high for the South to be able to pay, so instead the South bought its goods from other countries(England mainly). The Northern ecconomy was hurt because of this so Northern senators chose to place a tariff on all imported goods from foreign countries, thus protecting their industries.

What was the nickname that southerns gave to a protective tariff they opposed?

Tariff of abominations

What was High tariff to limit foreign competition?

A high tariff that limits foreign competition is a protective tariff.

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Was Hamilton for protective tariff?

yes he was

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Protective tariffs