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The Mujahideen were a Muslim Resistance Group in Afghanistan, rebelling agaisnt the Marxist Government. When Nur Muhammed Taraki was overthrown, the Kabul Government (in support of Marxism) requested urgent help from Soviet Armed Forces. In retaliation, the Soviets heartlessly invaded Afghani citizens and were fought by the Mujahideen. The Mujahideen were supplied by the USA secretly through Pakistan. It is now that people blame Pakistan for the formation of the Mujahideen- where infact it was the Americans that created the terrorist organisation Al Taliban.
The country of Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1979. The Mujahadeen fought to drive them out of the country.

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Q: Who did the Mujahideen fight in 1979-1989?
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Are the people fighting in Kashmir against the Indian army Mujahedin?

Yes. They are specifically called Hizb al-Mujahideen, meaning the Political Party of Mujahideen.

What common goal was shared by the mujahideen solidarity and freedom fighters?

Both the Mujahideen Solidarity and freedom fighters sought to defend their nations against the Soviet Union.

Who are the mujahideen?

Those who engage in jihad

At the start what was the primary goal of the Al-qaeda?

Al Qaeda began in Afghanistan to fight the Russians. The United States government gave supplies, support, and training to the mujahideen who had Osama bin Laden as the planner of attacks against Russia. He was a Saudi Arabian and from a wealthy family and helped fund the mujahideen with arms, and money. In 1999 he formed Al Qaeda and in 1992 he was banished from Saudi Arabia. He moved to Sudan until 1996 when he was forced to leave and went to Afghanistan. At this time he declared war on the US.

What was the primary goal of al-qaeda at its start?

Al Qaeda began in Afghanistan to fight the Russians. The United States government gave supplies, support, and training to the mujahideen who had Osama bin Laden as the planner of attacks against Russia. He was a Saudi Arabian and from a wealthy family and helped fund the mujahideen with arms, and money. In 1999 he formed Al Qaeda and in 1992 he was banished from Saudi Arabia. He moved to Sudan until 1996 when he was forced to leave and went to Afghanistan. At this time he declared war on the US.

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When was Hizbul Mujahideen created?

Hizbul Mujahideen was created in 1989.

Which action is an example of a proxy war?

During the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1978, the United States armed the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets on its behalf.

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Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen was created in 1950.

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Who is the subjuct writing of thuhfathul mujahideen?

The subject of writing of Thuhfathul Mujahideen in biology. This is about a gene that start back in history.

Who are mujahideen?

Those who engage in jihad (apex)

Are the people fighting in Kashmir against the Indian army Mujahedin?

Yes. They are specifically called Hizb al-Mujahideen, meaning the Political Party of Mujahideen.

Were fundamentalist and traditionalist groups part of the afghan mujahideen?

Yes. Fundamentalist and traditionalist groups were the two primary groups of people who joined in the Afghan Mujahideen.

What common goal was shared by the mujahideen solidarity and freedom fighters?

Both the Mujahideen Solidarity and freedom fighters sought to defend their nations against the Soviet Union.

The common cause did the mujahideen solidarity and freedom fighters share?

Both the Mujahideen Solidarity and freedom fighters sought to defend their nations against the Soviet Union.

What common goals shared by the mujahideen solidarity and freedom fighters?

Both the Mujahideen Solidarity and freedom fighters sought to defend their nations against the Soviet Union.