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I ame sure that slaves worked alongside with builders and archictects while building pyramids.In kufu's pyramid though, it was slaves who worked the most.

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Q: Who did most of the work building pyramids?
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Who did the physical work when building the pyramids?

When speaking about the ancient Egyptian pyramids, the common man, took time away from his farming and other activities to do the physical work in building the pyramids. This was the duty, so to speak, of the common male Egyptian.

What role did slaves play in building the pyramids?

The slaves did all the heavy labouring work such as quarrying, transporting the stone blocks on sledges and putting them in place; building the ramps and general excavation work. It it is most likely that the slaves were naked.

Who did the work in the building of the pyramids?

Egyptians did the work. Whether this work was contracted out in civil service programs or provided by slaves is not known.

What were the common slaves forced to do as work?

Working on the land, building monuments such as temples and pyramids.

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The most important building in the Mayan cities would be the pyramids, Because of the temples atop them

What group did the most work on the pyramids?

The slaves

What was the importance of pyramids?

By building the pyramids that achieved the following: 1) Solving unemployment problem , 2) Egyptian felt blessed by their god 3) The hard work did not let the Egyptians to think of rebelling on the Pharaoh Building the Pyramids as a social , political , and economic solution.

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It means, 'great work' like building the Panama Canal, or the Pyramids in Egypt.

Simple lifting device helpful in building pyramids?

Lever. Ramps would work also.

Why were workers willing to do dangerous work in Building pyramids?

They wanted to ensure pharaoh's place in the afterlife

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