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Q: Who did general lee blame for the confederate defeate at Gettysburg?
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What did Union general George B McClellan blame for the defeat of the Peninsula campaign?

A more cautious Confederate general was replaced by the more aggressive Robert E. Lee.

What Confederate general did Jefferson Davis blame for the fall of Fort Donelson in 1862?

Confederate President Jefferson Davis blamed the disaster at Fort Donelson on the commanding officer, Brigadier General John B. Floyd. Floyd never held a command again. Part of the blame however, can be placed on Confederate General Sidney Johnston. Floyd made the error of following Johnston's orders regarding defending against gunboats. Additionally, Johnston can be faulted for not having an experienced commander defend the fort. As it turned out, Johnston had an available commander suited to defending the fort in the person of Major General William J. Hardee.

What Union general was defeated by Lee at Gettysburg?

It was General George Meade that defeated Robert E. Lee at the battle of Gettysburg. As for Robert "Stonewall" Jackson... It's Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. Him and Robert E. Lee would have never gone up against each other since they were both Confederate. Jackson was also killed two months before the battle Gettysburg. He was shot by one of his men and died eight days later due to pneumonia.

Did Confederate General James Longstreet receive a pardon from the US government after the US Civil War?

President Andrew Johnson refused to grant James Longstreet a pardon but an act of the US Congress extended him amnesty and restored his rights to citizenship of the United States in June 1868.

What was the sigificance of general george meade?

Meade was the victor of the Battle of Gettysburg, often called the Confederate High Watermark. He then continued to command the Army of the Potomac till the end of the war, though he was accompanied by his General-in-Chief, U.S. Grant, travelling in a mobile HQ, somewhat to Meade's embarrassment. In the Battle of the Crater, at Petersburg, Meade was chiefly to blame for the counter-orders that led to the disaster, though Grant did approve these. At Appomattox, Lee surrendered to Grant as one General-in-Chief to another. As he only surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia, and not the other Confederate armies, some say he should have surrendered it to the commander of the army that defeated him, and that was Meade.

Who did Gettysburg battle?

I think George Washington please dont blame me if I get it wrong im only in 1st. grade

What Confederate general did President Jefferson Davis blame the capture of Vicksburg on?

After the fall of Vicksburg, Jefferson Davis was outraged at Confederate General Joe Johnston. Davis blamed Johnston for his failure to prevent the capture of Vicksburg. Davis issued to Johnston a fifteen page letter that accused him of interpreting orders to suit his own ideas and for making excuses as to why Vicksburg could not be saved. Johnston replied to Davis on each point of criticism.

What Confederate general did Confederate President Jefferson Davis blame for the fall of Fort Donelson?

When Union General US Grant captured Fort Donelson, it was a terrible blow to the South's military situation in the West. Confederate President Jefferson Davis blamed the battle and surrender of Fort Donelson on its commander, General John Buchanan Floyd. Floyd was able to escape from being POW, however, Davis never gave him a command for the rest of the war. Floyd had been a political appointee, and died due to illness in 1863.

Who was to blame for the start of the civil war?

The Confederate states seceded from the Union and fired the first shots.

What did Jeb Stuart have to do with the civil war?

He was an inspirational Confederate cavalry leader, one of those, like Lee and Stonewall, who embodied the soul and spirit of the Confederacy. However many blame him for the defeat at Gettysburg, as he failed to complete his scouting mission until the third day of the battle, so the army had no idea of the enemy's position. He died heroically at the height of a Confederate victory at Spotsylvania, at the beginning of the Overland gampaign.

What caused Confederate General AP Hill to blame Stonewall Jackson for the Confederate failure at the Battle of Mechanicsville?

The crucial battles on the Peninsula leading to Richmond required General Lee to place General AP Hill and his forces under the command of Stonewall Jackson. Hill resented having Jackson as his commander in that Jackson's unexplained failure to be in position to outflank McClellan at Mechanicsville caused the Confederates to use a failed frontal assault. No explanation for this from Stonewall Jackson gave pause to Hill's trust in Jackson's ability to lead properly.

Why did Union lieutenant general John Bell Hood resign in 1865?

Union Lt Gen John Bell Hood resigned in 1865 after ordering a frontal assault and losing miserably at The Battle of Franklin. Confederate General Hood refused to accept blame for the Confederate loss at the Battle of Nashville, which decimated the Army of Tennessee. He was widely criticized by the South for the loss and after his resignation in January 13, 1865, he was never given another field command. His career was over.