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Q: Who did Simon say the Greeks had built the large wooden horse?
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What is the Trojan horse trick?

During the Trojan War, the Trojans "admitted defeat" and sent a "peace gift" of a beautiful, huge wooden horse to the Greeks' camp; but the Greeks didn't know that the horse was hollow and that the Trojans were hiding inside of it, ready to attack them.

Why was the Trojan horse invented in ancient Greece?

The Greeks created it and hid in it pretending it was a gift so they could get into the city of troy. If you are getting confused with this and the virus version, the virus was not made in Greece but the Wooden Trojan Horse was.

How do you think laocoon felt when the Greeks finally came out of the wooden horse?

He didn't feel anything; Laocoon was dead before the Trojan Horse went through the walls of Troy, he and his two sons had been killed by sea serpents.

Why was it necessary for the Greeks inside the horse to remain quiet?

That they needed to launch a surprise attack is the reason why it was necessary for the Greeks to remain quiet inside the Trojan Horse. The Greeks planned to emerge from the hollow interior of their giant wooden horse when the Trojans were sleeping unarmed after celebrating the apparent withdrawal of Troy's assailants. Any sound would alert the Trojans to the fact that the horse was hollow, and filled with an armed elite expeditionary force, and that the warriors could be trapped inside for burning alive or dragged out for torturing and killing.

Who planned the wooden horse trick?

in the Trojan war the greek's pretended they had given up their siege of troy and pretended to go home, leaving a giant wooden horse behind as a supposed trophy but they hid greek warriors in the wooden horse so they were taken into the city with the horse. At night the greek warriors climbed ut of the horse, opened the city gates for the rest of the greek army that had now returned and they slaughtered the trojans in their beds.

Related questions

Who built the wooden horsethe Greeks or the trojans?

In Greek mythology, the Greeks built the horse.

When was the first wooden horse famous?

The oldest wooden horse that became famous was probably the Trojan Horse. Built hundreds of years ago as a "gift" by the Greeks to the Trojans. Greeks would hide inside the horse, and attack once they were inside the city.

Who was Greek who built a wooden horse?

Greek is army and Ulysses built a wooden horse....

Why did the mycenaean build the giant wooden horse?

They built it to hide soldiers, when the big wooden horse was brought into the city, the soldiers escaped through the hatch, and carried out their mission!

Who built the Trojan Horse?

The Greeks grew weary of the tedious war. Athena was one of the goddess that Paris did not choose. She inspired the Greeks to build a giant wooden horse as a way of tricking the Trojans into opening their gates.

how were the Greeks soldiers able to hide on the wooden horse?

It was colossal horse.

What happened with the Trojan war?

The Greeks built a huge wooden horse, and the Trojans brought it into their city. Then at night, when the Trojans were sound asleep, the Greeks came out of the horse and destroyed the city. So to sum it all up, the Trojans lost.

What is Greek meaning for Trojan Horse?

a wooden horse that some greeks made with wood

What did the Greeks plan to do in order to trick the Trojans?

The Greeks his soldiers in a wooden horse (Trojan horse) and gave it to the Trojans as a gift to get Helen back.

Which people built the Trojan horse?

The Greeks .

Which army left a wooden horse outside of the city of troy?


What do you call the large wooden horse built by the Greek?

The Trojan Horse.