

Who did Mussolini kill?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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On April 28, 1945, Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci, were arrested again by Italian partisans by Lake Como. Walter Audisio (1909-1973), who was once pardoned by Mussolini for a jail term in 1934, took custody of Mussolini and Petacci. Mussolini, realizing he was going to killed, opened up his shirt and asked to be shot in the chest. Audisio complied and attempted to shoot the pair with an Italian submachine gun, but it would not fire. He then pulled out an Italian pistol and again it would not fire. In desperation he grabbed a French weapon, a MAS 7.65, from a fellow partisan and killed them both. Their bodies were strung upside down the next day for all to see.

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15y ago

Why was Benito Mussolini hung by his feet and beat to death with his mistress? I'm doing an English essay and need to know. It is complicated, but he was hated by many Italians because his actions and alliance with Germany led to the death of many Italian soldiers. But it was the Communist partisans who demanded that Mussolini be turned over to them and it was under their order that he was executed. (All the partisan groups had joined together to fight the Germans. The partisan groups were under the leadership of a Committee who made decisions and the Committee did allow Mussolini and 15 other Fascists to be executed by the Communist branch.) Why? The Communists hated the Fascists and vice versa. The Communist leaders wanted to ride the country of all opposition.

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12y ago

physically or mentally handicapped



his own men

(Mussolini killed more of his own men than he did anyone else)

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Walter Audisio

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Walter Aiciyu

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Italians were mad at him.

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I do not believe there was a reward. But if you were going to it is undoubtful that someone would offer a reward to you should you succeed.

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