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Q: Who did James Duke of York give their land to?
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What land did James Duke of york give to John berkeley and george certeret?

New England

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What is known today as the state of New Jersey.

Who did duke of york give a ton of land to?

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Who did King Charles II give land to?

His brother James, the duke of New York, gave what is now new jersey to his teo friends.

Who gave the land that would become New Jersey to George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley.?

James, King Charles II's brother, who was indeed the Duke of York

When the English captured New Amsterdam what name did they give the city and why?

They named it New York, after James Duke of York, who received the land as a gift from the king. See the Related Question below.

Can you describe James the Duke of York?

He owned all the land in NY and controlled the government!

What was New York named after?

New York got it's name from Charles II's brother, the Duke of York, who later became King James II. The colony was originally the Dutch territory New Netherlands and the city was New Amsterdam.

What land did the duke of York give to john Berkeley and George carteret?

new jersey

Why was the name New York important to the State?

The piece of land New York is on was given to the Duke of York as payment for a debt. Naturally, the Duke named the piece of land New York because he is Duke of York.

What land did James Duke of York give to Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret?

Part of New York but soon after they named it New Jersey.

Who was James duke of new york?

James was the brtoher of King Charles II. The king gave the land to his brother in 1664. He named the province after James of York. He gave it to his brother after the surrender of the dutch to the english.