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Besides Jewish people, Adolph Hitler killed:

Antisocial people, particularly women who didn't fit traditional gender roles


Gay men


Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as certain other Christians

Lazy and "work shy" individuals

Mentally or physically handicapped people

Substance abusers

Union supporters

Violent Criminals

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12y ago

He killed millions of people: homosexuals, gypsies, mentally and physically disabled people, people whom defied him, and civilians.

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15y ago

Communists, Socialists, labour leaders, Gypsies, homesexuals.

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Q: Who did Hitler kill besides the Jews?
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What kinds of people besides jews did hitler kill?

Homosexuals, disabled persons, gypsies.

If Hitler was Jewish then why did he kill Jews?

Hitler wasn't Jewish. If Hitler was Jewish, it wouldn't make any sense for him to kill all the Jews.

If Hitler was Jewishwhy did he kill Jews?

Hitler was not Jewish.

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Did adolf Hitler kill people besides Jews?

Yes. Many people. Any people who displeased him. Then at the consentration camps there weren't only Jews, and at consentration camps they gassed people.

If Hitler was Jewish than why did he kill Jews?

Hitler was not Jewish.

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What made Hitler kill?

There was problems in Germany so he blamed the Jews and that is what made Hitler kill.

How many people planned to kill Hitler?

5 million Jews wanted to kill Hitler.

How many jews does it take to kill hitler?

Hitler is already dead.

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What was hitler's favorite thing to do?

kill jews