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The Fugio cent was designed by Benjamin Franklin which could be considered to be the first US cent because it was authorized by the Continental Congress.

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Q: Who designed the first penny?
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Who invented the US penny?

Coins are not "invented", they're designed. The first circulating cents were designed by the US Mint's Chief Coiner Henry Voight.

What are the letters on front shirt of Lincoln on the penny?

They are the initials of the man who designed the Lincoln penny, Victor David Brenner.

Who's initials are VDB on the penny?

These initials belong to Victor David Brenner. He designed the front of a Lincoln penny.

Indians name on indianhead penny?

The designer, James B. Longacre, had designed the first of the small cents and in 1858 designed a pattern Indian head cent using his daughter, Sarah, as the model with a feathered headdress.

Who designed the first US penny?

Records are not clear, but the 1793 "chain" cent is generally attributed to a designer named Henry Voightactually the real answer is Frank Gasparro

When were penny loafers first made?

The first penny loafers was made in 1930

What was a 1916 penny made with?

The 1916 penny was made with a special press designed to manufacture coins. The metal used in the 1916 penny consisted of 95% copper and 5% tin and zinc.

Where was the first penny made?

The first US "penny's" were struck at the Philadelphia Mint in 1793.

What does FG stand for on a penny?

The abbreviation of FG on a U.S. penny stands for the name of the man who designed the back part of the coin. His name was Frank Gasparro.

How old is the oldest penny?

That probably depends what you mean by a "penny". The first US penny was minted in 1787. The first British penny was minted in 790 AD. See Related Links.

Why does president Lincoln face the right on the penny?

No special reason, just the way it was designed.

First US wheat penny minted?

The first US wheat penny minted was the regular 1909.