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Q: Who could only speak by repeating the sounds she heard?
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A cursed nymph that could only speak by repeating the words of other people?

The nymph was called Echo

What decision is made about the conch why?

Whoever holds the conch can speak. It meant meetings could go better and everyone could speak and be heard by others.

A wood nymph who could only speak by repeating the words of others?

Her name was Echo, unhappily in love with Narcissus. She was cursed by Hera.

How can you get your dog to bark?

Train it to 'speak:' Tell your dog to speak. If your doggie doesn't bark, then say 'speak' again, then bark. Yup, you heard me right, bark. then keep repeating this until your dog catches on... Just make sure you're alone or you might gain a unwanted reputation!

What questions did the people ask Jesus when they heard him speak?

what question did the people ask they heard jesus speak

Can you make your guitar speak?

What do you mean by "make guitar speak?" I have never heard about it.

Can you speak Morse code?

Yes, my sister does. It sounds like "dit dah dah dit dit dit dah," with the dit representing the dots and dah representing the dashes. She prides herself in being able to "speak" and understand when others "speak" it. I have heard her have conversations in Morse with other ham radio operators.

Can you speak with or speak to?

either... usually speak with I think that speak with is a more gentle approach eg. I will try to speak with her, Whereas speak to sounds more confrontational eg I will speak to her about the problem

Is speak is to shout?

To speak is to talk normally. To shout is to speak very loudly so that you can be heard from a distance or because you are angry.

Can an echo speak for itself?

No, an echo is a reflected sound wave and does not have the ability to speak or produce independent sounds. It simply repeats sounds that are made in its vicinity.

Do dinosaurs use sounds to speak?

They did not exactly speak, but there is little doubt that they used sound to communicate.

What accent does Tony Montana have?

It's supposedly Cuban, but I've never heard a Cuban speak like that. I have, however heard numerous Columbians speak with a similar accent as Tony.