pretty much all computers are multi-user. and there is no such thing as a "super computer"
super computers are the fastets computers, but usally used in companies or for people who play highspec games like skyrim etc.
Super Computers
Super mini computers is a high speed performance compared to ordinary mini computer. and also has a large amount of memory compare to mini computers and also most powerful type of mini computers, capabilities more commonly associated with mainframes.
Computers can be classified into general purpose and special purpose computers. General purpose computers can be applied to a variety of tasks while special purpose computers are molded to suit a particular task.
i do
the speakers
Not at all.
Animating as controls refers to the use of computers to control graphics.
pretty much all computers are multi-user. and there is no such thing as a "super computer"
in 1960 a super many of countries begin to used super now their are 56 countries used super computers in the world.
Depends on what is modifying the controls is using the computers system is operationg.
super computers are the fastets computers, but usally used in companies or for people who play highspec games like skyrim etc.
Based on the size and use, computers can be categorized into seven types. They are embedded computers, super computers, main frame computers, servers, game consoles, mobile computers and personal computers.
Animators have two computers when they are animating as controls.