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The people of the Council of Commissioners

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Q: Who controlled communist Russia?
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What is media and the press in Russia today?

Russia is a communist government so any media is controlled by the government.

What was russia called when it was controlled by a communist goverpnment?

USSR - The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

What communist country controlled many of the other communist countries?

Russia was state capitalist and controlled other eastern European state capitalist countries. They had no connection at all with Communism (a classless stateless society based on production for use).

Was the Berlin Wall used to split Germany?

Yes. Democratic east controlled by the UK, US, France and other. The west by communist Russia.

Is russia limited or unlimited government?

Russia is a communist government

What were non communist in Russia called?

Non-communist Russia was called Russia. When Russia was under communism, it was called the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics or the USSR.

When was Czechoslovak Communist Party in Russia created?

Czechoslovak Communist Party in Russia was created in 1918.

In todays Russia the communist party is?

Russia's communist part today is known as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. It's the second largest political party in Russia today.

What country turned communist after WWI?

Russia was the only country to become communist during World War 1.

Women under the control of communist russia were considered?

women under the control of communist russia were considered?

Is Russia under communism?

Russia is a democratic country of sorts. It is no longer a communist country, meaning it is no longer a country controlled by the Communist Party. Russia, never was a communist country as Karl Marx described communism. In fact, there has never been a true Marxian communist country.

Was Russia communist during the time of Czarist Russia?

No, it wasn't.