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West Berlin, like West Germany, was divided into three zones, one each for the British, French and Americans. East Berlin and East Germany were controlled by the Soviets. Problems arose because Berlin was ninety miles deep into the Soviet Sector, which became East Germany.

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9y ago

After World War 2 the city of Berlin, while entirely within Soviet East Germany, was partitioned among the four victorious European powers. East Berlin was under Russian control, and control over West Berlin was split three ways between the US, UK, and France.

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11y ago

Throughout its existence from 1949 to 1990 East Germany (correct name: 'Deutsche Demokratische Republik' or DDR) was controlled by the 'Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands' (SED, Socialist Unity Party of Germany).

The DDR was a member of the Warsaw Pact, as were all the other countries of Eastern Europe. In the early years the SED was under the control of the USSR, in later years the SED (and hence the country itself) became more independent. In the last years the USSR reformed, but the SED refused to do so, which in part led to its downfall.

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West Berlin was under United States and British and French control until 1989

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If this is referring to post ww2 then Soviet Russia was in control.

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East Germany was controlled by the Communist Party. Egon Krenz was it's leader.

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Q: Who controlled East Germany during the cold war?
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Which nations controlled Germany after the cold war?

the Ussr controlled east Germany and and the US and UK controlled west Germany.

What was the political imapact of D-Day?

The successful D-Day operation created a EAST and WEST Germany during the cold war. Had D-Day NOT been successful, there might have been only one communist controlled Germany during the cold war.

What two countries constituted Germany during the Cold War?

West Germany and East Germany.

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during the cold war, EG (East Germany) was communist while WG (West Germany) was captialist

What is the difference about Germany during the cold war?

During the Cold War, the nation of Germany was partitioned into two nations, which were West Germany, which was allied with NATO, and East Germany, which was a member of the Warsaw Pact.

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Germany was split in half; Communist East Germany and Free West Germany.

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What country was divided between east and west during the cold war era?


In What part of Germany was Berlin located during the cold war?

Berlin was 110 miles east of the "Inter German Border," the line that separated East Germany from West Germany.

Was East Germany a communist country in the cold war?

Yes. East Germany was separated from West Germany by the Berlin Wall during the era of communism there. East Germany was part of the Soviet Communist Bloc and West Germany was the non-communist portion.

What changes did D day bring upon the US?

Without a successful D-Day, there might never have been an East and West Germany during the cold war. The Russians (Soviets) would have controlled all of it.

What was a part of the eastern bloc during the cold war?

Nations:PolandCzechoslovakiaHungaryRomaniaAlbaniaBulgariathe DDR (East Germany)The USSR