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Q: Who chose the husbands for the women in the medieval times?
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Were women abused in medieval Europe?

Some medieval women were abused, and some were not. Medieval times were no different than other times and places. In some places the laws did not protect women well, but there were a lot of places where there were specific laws to protect women from abusive husbands and other family members. Also, nearly everywhere in Christian Europe, any women could get protection in the sanctuary of a convent. As to why women were abused in Medieval Europe, the reasons have not changed. This is a complicated question dealt with by people ranging from sociologists to psychologists.

Did women play in tournament in Medieval Times?

no, women didn't participate in anything in medieval times, women were looked down on and it was inappropriate.

What were the functions in life for women in the Tudor times?

To give husbands an heir

What were the functions in life for women in Tudor times?

To give husbands an heir

What did people call wife in Medieval Times?

the people of the medieval times called their wives "wife, women" or by their real name.

Communities of a women in medieval times?

This would be nuns in a nunnery.

What does this mean Medieval women were totally dominated by the male members of their family?

it means that women in the dark ages had to do everything their sons/brothers/husbands told them to. they had no power, no say, and no control over their lives.

In the medieval times could women get help if their husband was beating them up?


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Did women sleep in Medieval Times?

Of course they slept, they would of gotten tired

Could women in medieval times be a merchant?

There were no female merchants since women weren't allowed to own a business.

Did medieval woman have maids?

Many medieval women had maids. Even the wealthier peasant families had servants in some times and places.