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Q: Who can the president not remove from office?
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Can the military remove the president from office?

The military does not have the athority to remove the president from office.

Who has the power to impeach remove from the office the president?

The Senate in the United States has the power to impeach the president and remove him from office. The president does have to have a trial prior to impeachment.

Who has the power to impeach remove from office the president?

The Senate in the United States has the power to impeach the president and remove him from office. The president does have to have a trial prior to impeachment.

Does congress has the power to remove a president from office?


What is the only thing the senate can do to a president they impeach?

Remove him/her from office.

What made it so the president could not remove federal officials from office?

Tenure of Office Act

Which law that president had to get permission to remove anyone appointed by a past president?

Treasure of office act

President whom republicans tried to remove from office?

The answer is Andrew Johnson

President can remove all from of office except?

The Heads of Cabinet departments

Does the president have the power to remove a congress member?

The Senate can remove Federal officials from office. The Senate is responsible for initiating an impeachment of a President of the United States. The Senate can also vote to have a member of the Senate removed for misconduct.

Which law said that a president had to get permission to remove anyone appointed by a last president?

The tenure of office act

Which law said that a president had to get permissmission to remove anyone appointed by a past president?

The Tenure of Office Act