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His son Charles II in 1661.

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Q: Who came after Charles 1 of England?
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What year did Charles 1 rule England?

charles 1 ruled england for 82 years between 1603 and 1625.

How did England decide who would rule after Charles 1?

Civil War. We already had a government in the country, they just removed the King from the equation. After Cromwell's death, Charles II came to the throne. HAHA!

At the time that Charles Darwin set off on his expedition how did most people in England believe came to be as it is?

At the time of Charles Darwin's expedition, most people in England believed in the theory of creationism, which posits that all living things were created by a divine being (God) in their current form. This belief was largely influenced by religious teachings and had been the dominant view for centuries. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection challenged this notion by proposing that species evolve over time through a process of adaptation and natural selection.

Who become the king after Charles died?

which Charles of which country? Charles 1 of England was followed by lord proector oliver cromwell, Charles 2 of England was followed by James 2

Who was in reign before Charles 1?

James I of England and VI of Scotland, the first Stewart King of England. He was father of Charles I.

Who was the Monarch of England in 1620?

That was James I of England. Charles I came after him. It was in this time that the Mayflower pact was signed.

Did Charles 1 rule England and Ireland?

Yes he did.

Which battle did Charles 1 surrender?

There has never been a King Charles 3rd in England.

Who was the king of England during the period of the English Civil War in the 1640s?

It was Charles I

When did Charles Garvice die?

Charles Garvice died on March 1, 1920, in Richmond, England, UK.

What island did Charles Darwin live on?

He lived in England, he came up with the theory of natural selection on the Galapagos Islands.

Who came to the throne after Elizebeth 1st?

Queen Elizabeth 1 of England was succeeded by King James 1 of England.