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Most of the work was done by peasant farmers conscripted during the inundation of the river Nile when work was not possible in the fields. The Pharaoh was able to call upon this pool of labour for months at a time without disrupting the national economy and without having to provide more than basic subsistence. The majority of these men, if not all, would have been naked. This system of temporary forced labour or corvée was little more than slavery, supported by a system of harsh punishments designed to deter anyone from deserting.

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Q: Who built the pyramids and when did they work on their construction?
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Who had them built?

Pyramids were built on the orders of the Pharaoh. Thousands of slaves were employed on their construction.

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It is understood that the Egyptians built the inclined plane for construction of the pyramids

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The Egyptian civilization was best known for construction magnificent temples and pyramids.

How did slaves build the big pyramids?

The pyramids were not built by slaves. They were built by well-paid, skilled Egyptians laborers as part of a massive state construction project.

How do scientists think the pyramids were built?

Scientist today still are puzzled on how the construction of pyramids became because they were so huge.

Why did Egyptians build the pyramids for their pharaohs?

They built the pyramids to house their kings and to give them everlasting life (or sustinence in the life after death). The workers who did the construction were mostly slaves. They were directed to work by their masters.

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What tool was not invented when the pyramids were built?

The wheel was not yet invented when the pyramids were built in ancient Egypt. The construction of the pyramids relied on manpower, ramps, and sledges to move massive stones rather than wheeled vehicles.

What are blocks and why aren't they part of pyramids today?

Blocks are individual pieces of stone or other materials that are used in construction. Pyramids were built using blocks in ancient times because it was the most practical method available at the time. Today, modern construction techniques such as concrete pouring and prefabrication have replaced the need for individual blocks in pyramid construction.

What came first the New Kingdom or the construction of the pyramids?

The pyramids were built in the Old and Middle kingdoms (c.3000 to 1500BCE). The New kingdom is after 1500BCE.

What came first the New Kingdom or construction of the pyramids?

The pyramids were built in the Old and Middle kingdoms (c.3000 to 1500BCE). The New kingdom is after 1500BCE.

What did Egyptians make there pyramids with?

they used their brains.The Egyptians built pyramids out of mostly limestone, some granite and the labour of thousands of slaves