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The Romans had been getting tired of the Germans always trying to invade their land, and so they invented a time machine, so they could go back in time.

It bought them a couple of decades, in which they perfected the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and churros. They used their time machine to go back to 1917, almost a few months before Roman Hanukkah, but their religious beliefs prevented them from using the bomb until they sacrificed a turkey raped with a banana in the full moon, provided by Selene, the goddess of the moon. By the time the Romans had finally detonated the atom bomb in Berlin, German casualties along with their weakened Babylonian axis powers led to the victory of the Mongol-Roman Allies.

Romans celebrate to this day with a month-long Turkey Rape with A Churro, orgies, public sex, and total debauchery, everything goes. I am glad someone is taking interest in my culture.

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13y ago

There were no atomic bombs in WW1. The first use of an A-bomb was in 1945 when the US dropped a couple on Japan. They were both made by the US during the Manhattan Project.

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12y ago

Bombs were built before WW1 but the first genuine bomber to be used in combat in WW1 was the French "Voisin" airplane, which bombed the Zeppelin hangers at Metz-Frascaty on August 14, 1914.

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What engineering show has a bridge being built and engineers find out there is a bomb or missile or something else from World War 1 or World War 2?


Who is the made the first atom bomb?

The USA created the first atomic bomb in New Mexico in the closing stages of World War Two. They used it to defeat Japan.

What year was the first mosque built in the US?

The first mosque in the US was built after the first world world war in year and was completed in year 1934.

When was the a bomb used?

It was used in the world war two, its an atomic bomb!

Name of plane that dropped hydrogen bomb in world war 2?

The hydrogen bomb was not invented until the 1950's. The planes that dropped the first fission-type atomic bombs in World War II are the Enola Gay and Bockscar.

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Did the world do anything to prevent World War 2?

built the atom bomb

Did albert einstein build the atomic bomb to end world war 1?

No, Albert Einstein did not built an atomic bomb to end World War I

What weapons were built in world war 2 besides the atomic bomb?

v2 rocket <><><>< Also the first jet plane, and the first helicopter.

Who built the first nuclear bomb?

The United States during World War 2. The development is known as the Manhattan Project

Was there a war before the first atomic bomb?

The world was going through world war two. The atomic bomb ended the war.

What was the first bomb they use in world war 1?

the atomic bomb

Who built the first atomic bomb?

The first atomic bomb was built by scientists working on the Manhattan Project during World War II. This project was a top-secret research and development program undertaken by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The bomb was successfully tested in July 1945 before being used in combat against Japan in August 1945.

Who did he build the atom bomb in world war 2 for?

he built it for the united states of America

What kind of bomb shelter built in a house in world war 2?

Pure Ones Shelter

Was the first atom bomb built in the state of Washington?

No, the bomb was built in Los Alamos, NM. However the plutonium used in the Trinity test shot and the Fat Man bomb dropped on Nagasaki was made in reactors at Hanford, WA. The uranium used in the Little Boy bomb dropped on Hiroshima was enriched in Oakridge, TN.

When will first suicide bomb happened?

was in world war 2

What engineering show has a bridge being built and engineers find out there is a bomb or missile or something else from World War 1 or World War 2?
