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It is generally accepted that the Sphinx was built by Pharaoh Khafre - c2575 to c2465 BC - during the Old Kingdom, the age of the Great Pyramid builders. However there is possible evidence that the monument may be older than this for an inscription within the Great Pyramid, dating from 600 BC, records that Pharaoh Khufu-Khafre's father-carried out repairs on the Sphinx's tail and headdress.

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15y ago
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13y ago

no khufus pyramid was build by a group of 20,000 to 30,0000 people

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alfred fanshaw

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3y ago
Many of them were slaves

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15y ago

no because Pharaoh khafre made it in 100bc

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13y ago

In some sources they say that king khufu build the pyramids.

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12y ago

no. he ordered it to be built and was buried in it

His architects and thousands of workers. Most of those workers were slaves

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10y ago

He commanded it to constructed but he did not do the work himself. He had his architects, surveyors, scribes and craftsmen plus many thousands of slaves to do the actual work.

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Q: Who built the Great Pyramid with Khufu?
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Answer: The Great Pyramid at Giza was built for the Old Kingdom Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu or Cheops to the Greeks. Khufu was the son of Snefru, founder of the Fourth Dynasty, who built the Bent Pyramid. Khufu may have ruled from about 2589 to 2566 B.C.

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If you mean the Great Pyramid it is Khufu

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Pharaoh Khufu or Cheops in Greek had the Great Pyramid built for himself.

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4th dynasty Pharaoh Khufu (sometimes called Cheops), reigned 2589-66 BCE