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caroline stevens

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Q: Who brought George Washington cannons to make the British leave Boston?
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How did the victory at Trenton effect Americans?

It affected the Americans because the Green Mountain Boys stole cannons from the British and brought them back to George Washington. Washington thought of the idea to put the cannons on a hill that faced Boston. Once the British saw the cannons on top of the hill they immediately retreated Boston.

How did the victory at Trenton affect America?

It affected the Americans because the Green Mountain Boys stole cannons from the British and brought them back to George Washington. Washington thought of the idea to put the cannons on a hill that faced Boston. Once the British saw the cannons on top of the hill they immediately retreated Boston.

How did the American victory at Trenton effect Americans?

It affected the Americans because the Green Mountain Boys stole cannons from the British and brought them back to George Washington. Washington thought of the idea to put the cannons on a hill that faced Boston. Once the British saw the cannons on top of the hill they immediately retreated Boston.

Who ordered cannons be brought from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston?

George Washington

How how did Washington forced the British to leave Boston?

He found 16,000 troops and placed cannons in front of the British ships.

How did Washington force British to leave Boston?

He found 16,000 troops and placed cannons in front of the British ships.

What ended the siege of Boston?

Henry Knox brought cannons taken from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston, and the British evacuated after the colonists fired a few shots at them.

How did the victory of fort Ticonderoga help Washington's forces in Boston?

they were able to use the cannons they captured at the fort to force the british to abandon the Boston harbor

What did George Washington use the cannons from fort ticonderoga for?

To bombard the British garrison in Boston from Dorchester Heights. Read a book.

How did George Washington get the British to pull out of Boston?

George Washington and his continental army surrounded Boston with unloaded cannons. The British were unaware that they were empty, and they evacuated the city.then Washington took all of their cell phones

Why were Washington's troops jubilant on march 17 1776?

George Washington put cannons at Dorchester Heights and this forced the British to leave Boston. 11,000 British troops and some 1,000 Loyalists departed Boston for Nova Scotia, Canada.

How did Washington force out the british out of Boston?

Washington put cannons on hills above the city