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Baron de Montesquieu

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Q: Who believed political liberty could be best preserved if all branches had equal power?
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Who believed that political liberty best be preserved if the executive legislative and judicial branches of government had equal power?


Who believed that political liberty could best be preserved if the executive legislative and judicial branches had equal power-?

Baron de Montesquieu

Who believed that political liberty could best be preserved if the executive legislative and judicial branches of government had equal power.?


Who believed political liberty could best be preserved if the executive legislative and judicial branches had equal power?

Baron de Montesquieu

Who believed that political liberty could be preserved if the executive legislative and judicial branches of government had equal power and authority?

Baron de Montesquieu

Who believed that political liberty could be best preserved if the executive legislative and judicial branches of government had equal power and authority?

Baron de Montesquieu

Of the following men which one believed that political liberty could best be preserved if the executive legislative and judicial branches of government had equal power and authority?

baron de montequieu

How can liberty be preserved?

liberty can be preserved by maintaining the positive and nagative liberty. as the world now has became very rudicolous because of the increase in price

What was montesquieu's main political idea?

Enlightenment philosopher, Montesquieu introduced a system of checks and balances to keep government free of tyranny. He is also responsible for the concept of a separation of power, and the three branches of government which are the centerpiece of our country.

What libertarians believed in?


Was the liberty party the first political party in the US?

Yes, the liberty party was the first political party in the United States.

Why was the statue of liberty preserved?

We should preverse the statue liberty because it's a remembrance of freedom and democracy. And a gift of France friendship to the United State.