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Q: Who became a leader of the womens suffrage movement after helping draft the Declaration of Sentiments?
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What was susan B anothony famous for?

She Dedicated Her Life To Womens Sufferage.Susan B. Anthony was so famous because she was one of the first true women's rights activists. She led several rallies and marches to encourage women's right to vote. She created the "feminist" movement.she famous for a being a civil rights leader, I'm mostly known for helping lead the woman's suffrage movement, and was a women's rights activist.started women suffrage

How did booker t washington respond to the movement toward segregation and disfranchisement?

Booker T. Washington was one of the last ones born into a life of slavery of that generation. He became a voice to former slaves helping them in the movement toward segregation and disfranchisement.

What will thomas jefferson be remembered for?

Despite his other genuine contributions to the formation of the nation, his legacy will always be the Louisiana Purchase. Its a shame that a genius at creative writing will be remembered as a merchant.

What was a set back for president Kennedy when he tried helping the civil rights movement?

He could not get Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act. It was his successor president Johnson who finally got it passed into law.

Was the progressive movement a positive influence on America?

The progressives accomplished the initiative, the referendum, the recall, the direct election of senators (17th amendment in 1913), the secret ballot, women's suffrage (1920), and also had lasting effects on businesses and the morality of government. The city-manager system came into play. Women also became discriminated from male jobs due to the Muller v Oregon Court Case (1908). Thanks to Upton Sinclair's THE JUNGLE the meat inspection act (1906) and the Pure Food and Drug Act were passed (helping Europe to trust American meat and increase exports).

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What were Jane Addams beliefs?

Jane Addams was involved in the women's suffrage movement and was a pioneer. She believed in helping others and doing socially good deeds.

Who is Susan b . Anthony?

She was a women's suffrage person.Susan B Anthony was an African American woman who freed slaves by going to the south and helping them to the north

What contribution did Fredrick Douglas make in helping people?

He helped slaves, and he was a leader in regional & nation suffrage organization

How did Uncle Toms Cabin influence the north?

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" increased anti-slavery sentiments in the North by vividly depicting the horrors of slavery experienced by the characters. The book sparked conversations and debates about the immorality of slavery, ultimately helping to build support for the abolitionist movement in the North.

What is Jefferson's legacy?

Helping to write the Declaration of Independence and being the President of the US.

What is Thomas Jefferson?

Helping to write the Declaration of Independence and being the President of the US.

How did Rodger Sherman help the constitutional convention succeed?

he did it by helping draft the declaration of independence

What was susan B anothony famous for?

She Dedicated Her Life To Womens Sufferage.Susan B. Anthony was so famous because she was one of the first true women's rights activists. She led several rallies and marches to encourage women's right to vote. She created the "feminist" movement.she famous for a being a civil rights leader, I'm mostly known for helping lead the woman's suffrage movement, and was a women's rights activist.started women suffrage

How did Franklin McCain impact the civil right movement?

helping it

How many blacks were helping in the Civil Rights Movement?

About 6,000,000

How did the world war 1 affect the suffrage movement?

First of all suffrage means the right to vote. In the time of war, nothing was going too well for most countries, mostly Britain. WWI had a big impact on the suffrage movement (for suffragettes and suffragists alike) because the country needed more people to contribute to the cause and to their country. Many casualties were there and people could not handle it. They needed a helping hand. This is where the women of suffrage came in. People argued about the consequences of letting Women contribute to the cause. Some felt they were only fit to be at home with kids domestically. Some thought that since they already vote in local elections, they should be allowed to in the nations elections. So then, people thought about it, and why not? After that, women were allowed on war fronts and also allowed to work in munition factories and were called munitionettes.

What is Martin Luther King Jr. currently doing?

helping the civil rights movement