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Q: Who attends the Annual General Meeting?
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What is the full meaning of AGM?

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What is annual general meeting?

An annual general meeting is a meeting of the members of official bodies, associations, or companies, held once a year to discuss previous and future activities.

What is the difference between general meeting and annual general meeting?

As far as I can tell with the description you've given, A general meeting can happen at anytime, and on any subject, where an annual meeting will happen once a year, and will more than likely have a preplanned agenda. Of course a general meeting will have an agenda too

What is AGM and EGM in share market?

AGM- Annual General Meeting. EGM- Extraordinary General Meeting

What’s EGM (Extra-Ordinary General Meeting)?

Generally, as per section 96 of the Companies Act, 2013 there shall be a ‘Annual General Meeting’, the annual general meeting likely to held on a fix date that it’s compulsory for the companies to conduct annual general meeting except for the one-person company. But in annual general meeting there’s discussion on the matter of previous year and the coming year that is a yearly plan that is more likely to be discussed in annual general meeting. But there are many events that cannot be discussed in a annual general meeting as such event may occur after the annual general meeting and those event cannot be put on hold for the next annual general meeting as it will be too long period and which cannot be afforded to entertain such events. For such events there are a meeting arranged where all the shareholders are come along to discuss or entertain such event for the purpose to protect the reputation, dignity, goodwill, or objective of the company which is directly or indirectly beneficial for all the shareholders.

What is the difference between general meeting and annual meeting?

As far as I can tell with the description you've given, A general meeting can happen at anytime, and on any subject, where an annual meeting will happen once a year, and will more than likely have a preplanned agenda. Of course a general meeting will have an agenda too

What is the full form of AGM?

Annual General Meeting

What is the letters A.G.M stand for?

Annual General Meeting

Who should attend an Annual General Meeting?

These are the persons they should attend annual general meeting:Board of DirectorsCFOCEOMajor ShareholderActive Shareholder

What is the usual protocol for an annual general meeting?

I'll just run

What does M stand for in AGM?

A=aloha B=by M=mum that is what is stand for or sometimes is stands for a great mind!

Invitation letter for annual general meeting of a self help group to members?
