John Mauchly, J. Presper Eckert, Bob Shaw (function tables), Chuan Chu (divider/square-rooter), Kite Sharpless (master programmer), Arthur Burks (multiplier), Harry Huskey (reader/printer), and Jack Davis (accumulators).
a computer is an invention
There were not 7 people involved in the invention of the first Apple computer. There were only two involved in the invention. Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniac. A third man, Ronald Wayne helped them build the original Apple 1 and also designed the original Apple Logo.
Depends on your exact definition of a computer.
No one knows
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. Hooweestik.
Steven Hawking was not involved with the invention or construction of computers.
a computer is an invention
The persons involved are persons who begin with difficulies born
Time of invention of Super Computer in India?
There were not 7 people involved in the invention of the first Apple computer. There were only two involved in the invention. Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniac. A third man, Ronald Wayne helped them build the original Apple 1 and also designed the original Apple Logo.
a computer(:
The invention of airplane involved two people. They were Orville Wright and Wilbur wright. They invented the first powered plane in 1903.
Yes, the computer as we know it today is a modern invention. The first electronic digital computer was developed in the mid-20th century and has since evolved significantly to become an integral part of modern society.
The Person Involved in the development of computer is The Person Involved in the development of computer
The Apple I, a personal computer was the first invention of apple.