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the wall of sacrifce

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Q: Who Ruins of the Mayan cities include a great pyramidobservatorytowerand scared wall?
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Related questions

What did Mayan cities consist of?

mayan people

Did the Mayan have city states?

Yes ,the Mayan did have cities

Where are the Mayan cities?

tenochtitlan! (.Y.)

What cities still boast impressive temples of the Maya to this day?

Cities that currently still contain ruins of Mayan temples include Chiapas, Mexico, and Peten Department, Guatemala. The sites for these cities are Palenque and Tikal, respectively.

What is the Mayan main city?

The second largest Mayan city is copan By:gboy

In what ways were Mayan cities similar or different from the rural areas that surrounded them?

The Mayan cities were similar because they both had the same type of agricultural methods. What's different is that the Maya had cities. (rim shot)

How large are the Mayan cities in square miles?


What peninsula were Mayan cities located on?

The Campeche Peninsula.

What was used to build Mayan cities?

sandstone and limestone

Pictures of mayan cities?

Find them in Google. There are heaps of them.

What remained in the abandoned Mayan cities?

cats and dog

Where were the ruins of Mayan cities found?

the Mayan civilization was located throughout the Mexican cities of Chinapas, Tabasco, and the Yuctan Peninsula