

Who Influenced Ferdinand Megallan?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Who Influenced Ferdinand Megallan?
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When and where was Ferdinand Megallan born?

Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480 in either in the city of Porto or in Sabrosa, circa, Portugal.

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He was looking for a short cut to America or the "indies" as they called it.

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Only one nation supported and funded for Magellan's sea exploration: the Kingdom of Spain.

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the voyage in 1520 was when megallan and his three ships sailed around the world for 3 years.

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Franz Ferdinand was Catholic. He had an innate dislike for everything anti-Catholic. He observed all the Catholic teaching scrupulously from his childhood. He was assassinatied by a group of anti-Catholic Serb nationalists. This is the event that started World War I.

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King Ferdinand I of Aragon: 1380 King Ferdinand I of Leon and Castile: 1015 King Ferdinand I of Naples: 1423 King Ferdinand I of the two Sicilies: 1751 King Ferdinand I of Romania: 1865 King Ferdinand of Bulgaria: 1861