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umm well they used everything :3 hoped it helped a lot!

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Q: Which would a historian use most often to research people or events from the past?
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Why may a historian be interested in a 20 year war that took place in ancient time?

Anything in history interests a historian. Events change lives, society, places, and people. A 20 year Ancient war could explain why there are differences within a place or among people. Often ancient armies took people as slaves and married women in the conquered lands. Languages change, customs change, religion change, and foods change. To study the war could tell a historian why and how. A good example of an invading people changing a society is the Vikings.

How do historians interpret the events of the Salem witch trials?

They interpreted them as a religious punishment and as way for people to get rid of others, the people accused as witches were often accused because of some religious thing they did or because someone didn't like them and if they got enough people to testify against the accused then the accused would die.

Explain Why the interpretation of historical events often changes with time?

be cause they eat but hole

Did Juan Ponce De Leon have a birth certificate?

No. People in the 1400's were born at home. In some cases there is a reference to their birth in the church records of their parish church. Very often people did not know the date of their birth or how old they were. Events were associated with marriage, death, and birth. A person might say " I was born in the year when there was the big flood." or "when king Henry died." These things people would remember and could attach various events to them.

What error did a famous 19th century historian make about ancient Roman history?

It's certainly understandable when a historian makes an error in their works. Errors are frequently made in writing ancient history. One famous German historian, Professor Theodor Mommsen, however, stands out as his writings on ancient Rome won for him the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1902.For most readers, his situation is not that important, but for the drones of historians that make their living teaching ancient history, Professor Mommsen stands out. It turned out that after his death in 1903, new evidence showed that his contention that Caesar's 10th legion became the imperial 10th Gemina legion. Hardly a major factor, except that after Mommsen was discredited, all of his studies came under a microscope. Modern archaeological research is often the root of discovering honest errors.

Related questions

Who is considered the first historian?

Herodotus is believed to be the first historian in the western world. He's also th father of history.

Why may a historian be interested in a 20 year war that took place in ancient time?

Anything in history interests a historian. Events change lives, society, places, and people. A 20 year Ancient war could explain why there are differences within a place or among people. Often ancient armies took people as slaves and married women in the conquered lands. Languages change, customs change, religion change, and foods change. To study the war could tell a historian why and how. A good example of an invading people changing a society is the Vikings.

How does a historian work?

A historian conducts research using primary and secondary sources to analyze and interpret historical events. They use critical thinking skills to evaluate evidence, draw conclusions, and communicate their findings through writing or public speaking. Historians often specialize in specific time periods, regions, or themes within history.

What are the problems of research in Nigeria?

There is often not enough money to give out for the research. There also are not enough people to conduct the research.

What makes a source useful for a historian?

A source is useful for a historian if it is contemporary to the events being studied, is reliable and trustworthy, and provides valuable insights or information that can help in understanding the historical context. Additionally, sources that offer multiple perspectives or viewpoints are often considered valuable for historians.

Why are newspapers a useful research when doing research?

Newspapers can provide valuable information on historical events, current events, public opinions, and cultural trends. They offer a snapshot of a specific time period and can help researchers understand the context in which events occurred. Additionally, newspapers often provide firsthand accounts of events, making them a valuable primary source for research.

What kind of events are held at the Boston Convention Center?

The Boston Convention Center is primarily used to hold events related to the research and development of new technologies. It often holds Tradeshows and Exhibitions.

Are there more quotes about history?

There are a lot of quotes about history:"History keeps repeating itself because nobody listens."~unknown"History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren't there."~George Santayana"A historian is often only a journalist facing backwards."Karl Kraus

Wo is the pioneer scholar of chronology?

The pioneer scholar of chronology is commonly considered to be the Greek historian Herodotus. He is often referred to as the "Father of History" for his work in recording historical events and their chronological sequence.

Who is the first historian?

Herodotus is considered the father of history. The second ancient Greek historian was Thucydides.

What does written records studied by historian often began as?

Written records studied by historians often began as inscriptions on stone tablets, papyrus scrolls, or clay tablets. These inscriptions recorded significant events, transactions, laws, and other important information of societies in the past.

What was Herodotus was often called?

Some called Herodotus the first historian.