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Henry V111 founded the church of England so that he could divorce his wife.

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Q: What king started the church of England?
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The church started by King Henry VIII?

If you are speaking of Henry VIII, then that would be the Church of England, also known as the Anglican church.

When did the Catholic and protestants battle started?

When King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Anglican Church in England, and when Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church in Germany. This started the Anglican (Church of England, Episcopalian, Anglo-Catholic, etc.) and Lutheran churches.

King Henry VIII founded the Church of?

England. He didn't like the way the Catholic church told him what to do so he started a new church and named it after his country.

What did Henry VIII do for a living?

He was the King of England and head of the Church Of England. That was his job.

Who established the Church of England?

Answer The Church of England was established by King Henry VIII of England in 1534 (EDIT)

What is the name of the protestant church started be king Henry 5?

It was not Henry 5, but the 8th. He began the Reformation by closing the Catholic Church and taking their assets. The church he created was the Church of England.

Who started the Church of England by cutting England off from the pope?

when king Henry the eight of England wanted an anulment or divorce, from his wife Cathrine of Aragon daughter of king Ferdinan and queen isabela of Spain, pope Clement did not give them one. king Henry ordered the arch bishop of cantinberry to do it, then pope Clement excommunicated King Henry so he begian the protestant church of England with him at the head of it.

What did Henry VIII start?

He started the Church of England, or the Anglican Church (known as the Episcopal Church in the USA). He broke away from the Roman Catholic Church, and reformed the church in England, where the Pope was no longer the head of the church but the Crown or King (or Queen) was the absolute supreme head of the church. This period is often referred to as the reformation.

Which church is headed by a king or queen and not a pope?

The Church of England, the Anglican Church, is headed by the reigning monarch of England.

What country did the Church of England start in?

The Anglican Church (the Church of England) is the historical continuation of the Christian Church that was started in the early centuries of Christianity. In the reign of King Henry VIII the Church of England began to separate from being under the jurisdiction of the Pope.

The state church started by Elizabeth I in England is known as the?

Anglican Church

Was Martin Luther King a Catholic?

No, Martin Luther King was a Baptist, a church which split off from the Church of England. It, as well as the Church of England, is considered as a Protestant denomination and not a part of the Catholic Church.