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unalienable rights, simply means rights not given cannot be taken away. We should all strive to understand what unalienable rights are. Once a law is made for example, that makes an unalienable right a "law," it inevitably has the potential to be withdrawn. "Among these is the right to pursue happiness." Please see The Never Realized Republic: Political Economy and Republican Virtue on Amazon for much more.

unalienable rights, simply means rights not given cannot be taken away. We should all strive to understand what unalienable rights are. Once a law is made for example, that makes an unalienable right a "law," it inevitably has the potential to be withdrawn. "Among these is the right to pursue happiness." Please see The Never Realized Republic: Political Economy and Republican Virtue on Amazon for much more.

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Q: Which was the most significant influence on the philosophy of government expressed in the declaration of Independence?
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The Great Awakening, a religious revival movement in the 18th century, had a significant influence on the philosophy of government expressed in the Declaration of Independence. It emphasized individual beliefs, personal convictions, and the idea of religious freedom, which aligned with the concept of individual rights and liberty expressed in the Declaration. The Great Awakening helped shape the idea that governments should respect these individual rights and that people have the right to overthrow a government that infringes upon them, as stated in the Declaration of Independence.

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Rebels attempt to overthrow a dictatorial government.

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Nova Net Answer: Declaration of Independence

What document best exemplified the natural right philosophy?

The Declaration of Independence

Who agreed with Locke?

Jefferson did. He expressed Locke's philosophy in the Declaration of Independence.

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The Declaration of Independence, although it does not explicitly say that government derives it's power from the people, does state many of the reasons why.

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It doesn’t address any of those things. It states a philosophy of government and the need for change.

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john Locke

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John Locke