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The printing press was the beginning of Mass Communication. It allowed books (and later, other materials) to be printed quickly and in larger quantities, rather than having to rely on hand-copied and hand-written manuscripts (which could only be done one at a time). Thanks to the printing press, new publications (whether Bible stories, or poems, or plays, or later on, newspapers) could get from the author to the public in much less time.

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Q: Which was the greatest impact of the printing press?
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How did the printing press impact?

The printing press had a very important impact on society because it spread the ideas of Humanism widely throughout society.

How did the printing press impact the society?

Initially the greatest impact was that people could have and read their own bible. Then as ordinary people could have access to books reading and education increased.

What was the major impact on the printing press?

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What invention had a major impact on the protestant reformation?

The printing press.

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Which invention had the great impact on musical composition in the Renaissance?

The printing press

What impact did the printing press have on the environment?

The printing press had a significant impact on the environment due to the increased consumption of paper, deforestation, and pollution from printing processes. However, the environmental impact varied depending on the type of paper used and the printing techniques employed. Efforts to promote sustainable printing practices and the use of recycled paper have helped mitigate some of the negative effects on the environment.

Typewriter or printing press?

The printing press was a revolutionary invention that enabled mass production of written materials, leading to a significant increase in literacy and access to information. While typewriters were important for personal and business correspondence, the printing press had a far greater impact on society as a whole.

What was the result of each revolution and what is the lasting impact of each nation?

printing press was one

What was the greatist thing ever invented?

There is no definitive answer to what the greatest invention ever is, as it can vary based on individual perspectives. Some notable inventions that have had a significant impact on society include the wheel, electricity, the internet, and the printing press.