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Q: Which was a secular intellectual and cultural movement based on ancient greek and roman philosophy?
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Was despotism a secular intellectual and cultural movement based on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy?

NO. Both the Renaissance and the Enlightenment are two distinct movements that could be seen to be secular intellectual and cultural movements based on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Conversely, Despotism is political term used to refer to the exercise of absolute power in a dictatorial and oppressive way.

What were some cultural achievements for ancient Greece?

Theatre, art, poetry, architecture, philosophy, science.

What was the importance of philosophy in ancient china?

The importance of philosophy in ancient China is that it helped them define their ideologies.

What are the Rome's Intellectuals?

Rome's intellectuals refer to the scholars, philosophers, and thinkers who emerged during the Roman Empire. Some well-known intellectuals from this period include Cicero, Seneca the Younger, and Marcus Aurelius. They contributed to various fields such as philosophy, literature, politics, and law, shaping the intellectual and cultural landscape of the time.

What is Alexandria known for?

Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.Alexandria was the jewel of the ancient world, but it is probably best known for its great library and all the intellectual work carried on there.

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Was a secular intellectual and cultural movement based on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy?

NO. Both the Renaissance and the Enlightenment are two distinct movements that could be seen to be secular intellectual and cultural movements based on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Conversely, Despotism is political term used to refer to the exercise of absolute power in a dictatorial and oppressive way.

Was despotism a secular intellectual and cultural movement based on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy?

NO. Both the Renaissance and the Enlightenment are two distinct movements that could be seen to be secular intellectual and cultural movements based on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. Conversely, Despotism is political term used to refer to the exercise of absolute power in a dictatorial and oppressive way.

What intellectual movement was key to the renaissance?

Humanism was a key intellectual movement during the Renaissance. It emphasized the study of classical literature, history, and philosophy, as well as a focus on the potential and achievements of individuals. Humanist thinkers aimed to revive and cultivate knowledge from ancient times, helping to spark the cultural and intellectual flourishing of the Renaissance period.

What has the author Charles Vergeer written?

Charles Vergeer has written: 'Een verlies van vleugels' -- subject(s): Ancient Philosophy, Intellectual life, Philosophy, Ancient 'Eerste vragen' -- subject(s): Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy, Ancient

What is The rediscovery in late medieval Europe of the art literature and philosophy of the ancient world sparked the development of .?

The rediscovery of ancient art, literature, and philosophy in late medieval Europe sparked the development of the Renaissance movement. This period saw a renewed interest in classical ideas and a shift toward humanism, leading to advancements in art, architecture, literature, and science. The works of ancient thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Virgil played a significant role in shaping the intellectual and cultural landscape of the Renaissance.

What was the Dominant intellectual movement of the rennassaince?

Humanism was the dominant intellectual movement of the Renaissance. It emphasized the importance of human values, potential, and achievements, shifting focus from religious doctrine to humanism, art, literature, and philosophy. Humanist thinkers sought to revive classical learning and culture from ancient Greece and Rome.

Humanism was an intellectual movement that emphasized?

Humanism was an intellectual movement that emphasized the study of humanities such as literature, history, and philosophy. It focused on the potential and dignity of human beings, celebrating human creativity, rationality, and individualism. Humanists sought to revive classical learning and texts from ancient Greece and Rome.

The ancient are traditionally credited with being the discoverers of philosophy. However they probably picked up philosophy from the Egyptian culture.?

It is debated whether the ancient Greeks picked up philosophical ideas from the Egyptian culture. While there were certainly exchanges of knowledge between different ancient civilizations, the development of Greek philosophy was also influenced by their own unique intellectual and cultural context. Understanding the origins of Greek philosophy involves considering a complex interplay of various factors and influences.

How did Greek philosophy affect the Greek society?

Greek philosophy encouraged critical thinking and the pursuit of knowledge, leading to advancements in science, logic, and ethics. It also influenced governance and civic life by promoting democratic principles and individual rights. Overall, Greek philosophy helped shape the cultural identity of ancient Greece and laid the foundation for Western intellectual thought.

What is the concept of renaissance humanism?

Renaissance humanism was a cultural and intellectual movement in Europe that emphasized the study of classical literature, history, and philosophy. It focused on the potential and dignity of human beings, promoting individualism, critical thinking, and a well-rounded education. Humanists sought to revive the values of ancient Greece and Rome to better understand human nature and improve society.

What is Greek humanism?

Greek humanism is a cultural and intellectual movement that emerged in ancient Greece, emphasizing the importance of human reason, ethics, and creativity. It placed a strong emphasis on the individual's potential for growth and achievement, as well as the pursuit of knowledge and excellence in all areas of life. Greek humanism had a profound influence on Western civilization and shaped the development of philosophy, art, and politics.

What were some cultural achievements for ancient Greece?

Theatre, art, poetry, architecture, philosophy, science.