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Both were viewed as Bad on both sides. With the North Vietnamese Troops and the Vietcong launching a full scale attack during the cease fire of Tet (The Tet Offensive) and The Murdering, abusing, threatening, raping, of innocent civilians, Forcing children as young as 7 to become child soldiers and to carry heavy supplies to aid the North Vietnamese Army. The North is seen as the bad guys from the Southern and Western point of View.

The South and The Americans, were seen as bad from the northern point of view due to the reasons that Americans were responsible for the My Lai Massacre that killed Hundreds of innocent civilians. And The South Killing Vietcong Suspects.

As the Civilian point of View, Both were bad and were doing no good to the country. Many lost their homes, children, lives, etc...

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From the viewpoint of the US/Allies; North Vietnam was the bad guy (as well as his VC friends living in the South).

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Q: Which vietnamese part was the bad one for the Vietnam war the north or south?
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Communists living in South Vietnam, not part of the regular NVA (North Vietnamese Army). VC over the radio, pronounced "Victor Charley"...the military phonetic alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charley, Delta, Echo, etc.).

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