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Q: Which vice president of India resigned his post and then contested the presidential election?
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Which man never won a presidential election?

President Gerald Ford served as president without having being elected. He took Spiro T. Agnew's place as vice president when he resigned. Ford then took the presidency when President Richard M. Nixon resigned. Ford lost his bid in the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter.

How many men became president of the US without having been elected?

There have been nine Presidents who did not win a presidential election before becoming President including four who won presidential elections after becoming President. The Vice Presidents who replaced the first four Presidents to die in office never won a presidential election. The Vice Presidents who replaced the other four Presidents who died in office won re-election at the ends of the terms in which they assumed office. Gerald Ford, however, was appointed to the vice presidency after Vice President Agnew resigned in 1973, and he ascended to the presidency when President Nixon resigned in 1974. He ran for re-election in 1976 but lost to Jimmy Carter, so he never won either a presidential election OR a vice-presidential election.

What US President was not chosen in a general election?

Two Presidents obtained office without running in a general election. George Washington, the United States' first President, was elected unanimously by the Electoral College in 1789 and 1792.Gerald Ford, who was then House Minority Leader, was appointed Vice-President in 1973 when Spiro T. Agnew resigned to face charges of tax evasion. Ford assumed the Presidency in August 1974 when President Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment for obstructing justice in the Watergate scandal, and thus was not elected to office by voters. Jimmy Carter defeated Ford in the 1976 Presidential election.

In 1974 the Watergate scandal erupted and President Nixon resigned who became the next president and later pardoned Nixon?

When Nixon resigned, the vice president, Gerald R. Ford became the president and he did pardon Nixon, a move that may have cost him re-election.

Until the 25th amendment was passed what happened if a vice president died in office?

It did happen several times, and what happened was, the office of Vice President remained vacant until the subsequent election. In terms of Presidential succession, the next person in line (Speaker of the What_if_a_vice_president_died_before_the_25th_amendment) would have "moved up" had the President died or resigned, but that never happened.

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What did Obama do as a job before president?

He was US Senator for Illinois from January 2005 up until he won the Presidential election when he resigned from this post to become President.

What President never won in a presidential election?

President Gerald Ford served as president without having being elected. He took Spiro T. Agnew's place as vice president when he resigned. Ford then took the presidency when President Richard M. Nixon resigned. Ford lost his bid in the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter.Ford

Which man never won a presidential election?

President Gerald Ford served as president without having being elected. He took Spiro T. Agnew's place as vice president when he resigned. Ford then took the presidency when President Richard M. Nixon resigned. Ford lost his bid in the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter.

Was a special presidential election was held in 1974 after Nixon resigned?

No. If a president resigns, the vice-president is sworn in as President, just as if the President had died. When Nixon resigned in 1974, the vice-president, Gerald Ford became President. Ford nominated Nelson Rockefeller to be vice-president and the nomination was quickly confirmed by Congress.

When President Nixon resigned who became president?

The new President was: Gerald R. Ford New Vice-President was: Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller

How many men became president of the US without having been elected?

There have been nine Presidents who did not win a presidential election before becoming President including four who won presidential elections after becoming President. The Vice Presidents who replaced the first four Presidents to die in office never won a presidential election. The Vice Presidents who replaced the other four Presidents who died in office won re-election at the ends of the terms in which they assumed office. Gerald Ford, however, was appointed to the vice presidency after Vice President Agnew resigned in 1973, and he ascended to the presidency when President Nixon resigned in 1974. He ran for re-election in 1976 but lost to Jimmy Carter, so he never won either a presidential election OR a vice-presidential election.

Why did the 5 vice presidents that became presidents became presidents?

because the former president either died or resigned 14 U. S. Vice Presidents became President. 8 of them ascended to the presidency upon the death of the president. 4 of them were the incumbent vice president when they won a presidential election. 1 of them was a former vice president when he won a presidential election. 1 of them ascended to the presidency upon the resignation of the president

Which president was defeated partly because of his unpopular use of the presidential pardon?

Gerald Ford pardoned his predecessor who had resigned in a cloud of suspicion and that pardon hurt Ford in the 1976 election.

Which president resigned in 1940?

No president resigned in 1940. You might say Franklin Roosevelt re-signed a new Presidential contract in 1940 by running again and winning again. (1974 was the only presidential resignation when Nixon resigned due to Watergate.)

What president was never elected vice president or president in a national election?

Gerald Ford holds that distinction. He became Vice-president after the elected Vice-president, Agnew, resigned and then became president when President Nixon resigned. He later ran for a term of his own but lost the election to Carter.

How many US presidents were put in office as the result of an election?

39 of the 44 U.S. Presidents to date have won at least one presidential election.35 of the 44 Presidents started their (first) presidencies by election; the other nine became president when their predecessors died or resigned.

Who became vice president after Calhoun resigned?

Gerald Ford, who served as Richard Nixon's Vice President from December 6, 1973 until he assumed the Presidency August 9, 1974 when Nixon resigned.