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Q: Which three empires existed in 1815?
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What three Indian empires existed in South America?

The Incas, Mayans and Aztecs were 3 Indian empires that existed in South America.

What powerful empires at about the same time?

Some powerful empires that existed around at the same time were the Aztec and Inca Empires. However, the Inca Empire was much larger.

What did Historians call some of the empires that existed in the nineteenth century?

"prisons of nationalities."

Where in Africa did the empires of Mali and Ghana exist?

They both existed in Western Sahelian Africa.

Who was the first leader of the empires?

Chandragupta I. The empire was in India. It existed between 320ce and 600ce.

What similarities and differences existed between the empires in western hemisphere?

the similarities and differences that existed between the empires in the western hemisphere is they both had the same social structure and the same government. i do not know anymore about this empire thank you soo much fpr reading this answer. :)

Historians have called some of the empires that existed in the nineteenth century prisons of nationalities What empires do you think they were referring to?

Austrian, Russian and Ottoman Empires. All of these contained different national and cultural groups that wanted independence.

What were three empires of Persia?

It took over the Babylonian, Assyrian and Lydian Empires.

What three empires flourished because of trade in west Africa?

Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Are the three main empires of africa

Historians have called some of the empires that existed in the nineteenth century prisons of nationalities What empires do you think they were referring to Explain?

They were probably referring to theAustrian, Russian and Ottoman Empires. All of these containeddifferent national and cultural groups that wanted independence.

The Great Three West African empires were what?

The "Great Three" West African empires were Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.

What were the three major empires in the Western Hemisphere by 1500 AD?

The three major empires in the Western Hemisphere were the Incans, the Mayans, and the Aztecs.