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Q: Which term describes a person who campaigned for women's right to vote?
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Which person was both and an activist for womens right?

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What did Nellie McClung do in 1912?

She campaigned for women's right to vote.

A movement to end womens suffrage would be trying to abolish womens?

right to vote

Who are the suffregettes?

The women who campaigned for the right to vote in the late 1800- early 1900's

The movement to end womens suffrage would be trying to abolish womens?

that's right

What was the womens right movement?


What is womens suffrage?

Women Right To Vote

What did Nelly do?

she gave womens' right to vote

What are womens right?

Womens rights They wanted to vote. They wanted the right to work in the military or any job they wanted. For more information go to google or

How did the womens rights movement arise in the 60s and 70s?

The Women's Right Movement in Canada happened in the 1950's and 60's and women campaigned and won the right to vote. Women fought to be allowed the same rights and freedoms as men and to be declared persons by the government.

What did the womens suffrage movement lead to?

The Women's Suffrage Movement caused women to have the right to vote for a President.It led to womens sufferage - getting the "right to vote".

What type of law does Saudi Arabia have?

womens right,womens are not allowed to drive saudi.saudi aribia have low contradiction with Russia.the king is making laws, lt's amonarchy govermet