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Q: Which system Athens or rome was more generous in granting citizenship to its people?
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What social actions helped Rome expand?

The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.The social actions that helped Rome expand were the opening of the army to all free citizens, and the granting of limited citizenship to the people of surrounding Italy.

Who was denied citizenship in ancient Athens?

All women and people whose parents were not born inside the city were denied citizenship in ancient Athens.. Different laws were replaced, changed, added and deleted as the city advanced.

What allowed people conquered by Romans to have the same rights as roman citizens?

People conquered by the Romans only had the same rights as Roman citizens if they were granted citizenship. The granting of citizenship was one way that the conquered became Romanized.

How did the imperial government help tie people throughout the Roman Empire together during the Pax Romana?

By progressively granting citizenship.

How did granting citizenship to people affect the roman empire?

The granting of Roman citizenship to everyone in the empire was disastrous and it may have been a minor factor in the fall of Rome. Citizenship was originally considered an honor and a privilege. Special benefits were granted to the citizen and non-citizens would work very hard to become citizens. When blanket citizenship was given to all, the incentive to excel and to work for the good of the state disappeared. People grew lethargic in their civic duties as they had nothing to gain or lose.

How did people's place of birth age position in society and gender affect their citizenship and participation in government in ancient Athens?


What measures were used by the Roman Empire to create cultural unity and strengthen the Empire?

Building an extensive network of roads, and granting citizenship to people in outlying areas.

What helped unify different people of the roman empire?

law, army ,roads , architecture ,and language

The phone number of nskstate in Slovenia?

If you want to apply for a NSK passport:The NSK passport is not a real passport. It is a type of "camouflage" passport and never intended to be a valid document for citizenship. Slovenia is not granting citizenship or passports for people other than Slovenians.

Was Hitler generous to his people?

he killed a generous amount of people..?

Roman rulers helped unify the empire by granting every free person what?

In A.D. 212 roman rulers gave free citizenship to all free people in rome.

In this 1940 photograph Albert Einstein receives a certificate granting him American citizenship. At the time he was also a Swiss citizen. People who are citizens of two countries are called?

People who are citizens of two countries are called dual citizens.