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Q: Which symbol of the Cold War fell in 1989 allowing for the uniting of East and West Germany?
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Is Germany still separated into east and west today?

The Berlin Wall separated the city of Berlin in Germany from 1961 to 1989. Many people thought it was a symbol of the Cold War. The Berlin Wall was taken down on November 9, 1989.

How did the fall of the Berlin Wall unify Germany?

The Fall of the Berlin Wall was a symbol of the much larger political divisions that were being undone in Germany in 1989. For example, the economic bankruptcy of the East German government had more to do directly with German unification, but the visual symbol of the Berlin Wall galvanized public sentiment.

When was the Berlin wall demolished and east Germany allows unrestricted migration to West Germany?

November 1989

What country from 1945 to 1989 was divided into east and west?


Why was the soviet union so afraid of allowing Germany to become a single nation?

It wasn't so much allowing Germany becoming a single nation but they felt they had a foothold in Germany because of WW2. At the end of the war Russia reached Berlin first and then the allies followed. This set up a situation where a decision had to be made by the countries on who controlled what areas. It was decided that Berlin would be divided into four sections. One section was held by the Russians and 3 by the west. The Russian section became East Germany and eventually the Berlin Wall was built to divide Germany and keep the population in East Germany in the country. When the Wall came down in 1989 the movement towards unification began, so today the area that was once East Germany is now again part of Germany.

Related questions

Is Germany still separated into east and west today?

The Berlin Wall separated the city of Berlin in Germany from 1961 to 1989. Many people thought it was a symbol of the Cold War. The Berlin Wall was taken down on November 9, 1989.

What important cold war symbol was destroyed in Germany in 1989?

The Berlin Wall was the important Cold War symbol that was destroyed in Germany in 1989. It was a physical barrier that separated East Berlin from West Berlin and symbolized the division between the democratic and communist worlds during the Cold War. Its demolition marked the reunification of East and West Germany and the end of the Cold War era.

What was the capital of West Germany 1989?

The capital of West Germany in 1989 was Bonn.

How did the fall of the Berlin Wall unify Germany?

The Fall of the Berlin Wall was a symbol of the much larger political divisions that were being undone in Germany in 1989. For example, the economic bankruptcy of the East German government had more to do directly with German unification, but the visual symbol of the Berlin Wall galvanized public sentiment.

What is the rejoining of East and West Germany in 1989?

The reunification of Germany in 1989 was called die Wiedervereinigung.

Which nation opened its borders allowing East Germans to head West?

Hungary opened its borders in 1989, allowing East Germans to pass through and seek asylum in West Germany. This event played a significant role in the eventual fall of the Berlin Wall.

What are the release dates for Dance to Win - 1989?

Dance to Win - 1989 was released on: West Germany: 25 May 1989 USA: 1 December 1989 Germany: 15 August 1992 (TV premiere)

What Changes in western Europe 1945-1989?

A major change in Western Europe in 1945-1989 was the post war rebuilding of Germany. Germany was divided into East and West Germany.

How many Germany's are there?

Ever since the reunification of West Germany and East Germany in 1989, there has been only one Germany.

Which Capital city was only from 1949 until 1989?

Bonn was the capital of West Germany from 1949 until 1989. Prior to 1949, Germany was one country, with Berlin as the capital city. Germany returned to being one country after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

What date was east Germany and West Germany reunited?

Midnight on 9 November 1989

What are the ratings and certificates for Accidents - 1989?

Accidents - 1989 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:16 (video) Germany:12 (video: cut version) USA:R