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Q: Which strateg does the writer use to elaborate on the main argument?
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Where is the main idea found in essay?

The main idea of an essay is typically found in the introduction or thesis statement. This is where the writer presents the main argument or point they will be discussing throughout the essay. Subsequent paragraphs and sections then support and elaborate on this main idea.

What does this mean what the main thrust of the argument is?

The phrase "main thrust of the argument" refers to the central point or core idea that is being conveyed in an argument or discussion. It highlights the key message or primary focus that the speaker or writer is trying to establish through their reasoning and evidence.

What is the name for the thesis or personal stance on an argument?

The name for the thesis or personal stance on an argument is the claim. It is the main point the writer or speaker is trying to prove or persuade others to accept.

What is the role of the thesis statement?

The thesis statement establishes the main point or argument of the essay and guides the reader on what to expect in the rest of the paper. It helps to keep the writer focused and ensures that all subsequent points support the main argument.

What is a counterclaim in writing?

A counterclaim in writing is when a writer presents an opposing viewpoint or argument to the main claim they are making. It is used to acknowledge differing perspectives and strengthen the overall credibility and persuasiveness of the writer's argument. Counterclaims help to anticipate and address potential objections or criticisms from readers.

Example analytical exposition and generic structure?

Analytical exposition is a type of text that presents an argument and provides supporting evidence to persuade the audience of the writer's point of view. The generic structure typically includes: Thesis: introduction that presents the main argument. Arguments: main points supporting the thesis, presented in a logical order. Reiteration: restatement of the main argument and supporting points to reinforce the writer's position.

what are stated explicitly in an argument?

In an argument, explicit statements are those that are clearly articulated and directly stated by the speaker or writer. These statements provide the main points or premises upon which the argument is based, and are typically used to support the argument's conclusion. Explicit statements help to make the argument's reasoning transparent and coherent.

What is a counter argument in a persuasive essay?

A counter argument is a viewpoint that opposes the main argument presented in a persuasive essay. It is used to address potential objections or criticisms that the audience may have, and to strengthen the overall persuasiveness of the essay by demonstrating that the writer has considered alternative perspectives.

A is a viewpoint a speaker or writer will argue for or against in a speech or written piece?

Yes, that is correct. A viewpoint, also known as a thesis or claim, is the main argument that a speaker or writer will support with evidence and reasoning throughout their speech or written piece. It serves as the central focus of the argument being presented.

What is the first main point of a thesis statement?

The first main point of a thesis statement is to clearly state the topic of the paper and the stance or argument that the writer will be taking. It provides a roadmap for the reader to understand the main focus of the paper.

The of an essay includes a summary of the main points of the argument and a restatement of the thesis?

The conclusion of an essay serves to wrap up the main points discussed in the body of the essay and reinforce the thesis statement made in the introduction. It provides a sense of closure to the reader and leaves them with a lasting impression of the writer's argument.

How do you make a sub-thesis?

To create a sub-thesis, identify a specific aspect or argument within your main thesis that you want to explore in more detail. This sub-thesis should support and contribute to the overall argument of your main thesis. Develop a clear statement that outlines the focus of your sub-thesis and how it connects back to the main thesis. Structure your sub-thesis around evidence or examples that help strengthen and elaborate on your main thesis.