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Q: Which step did catherine the great take that is consistent with englightenment ideas?
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What step did Catherine the great take that is consistent with the enlightenment ideas?

considering a law code that would treat allcitizens equally

Who was the Russian empress who embraced western ideas?

Catherine the great.

What ideas did Catherine the Great borrow from western Europe?

Your moms hause :)

Why was Catherine the Great so Great?

Catherine the Great was very open to the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. People like Voltaire helped her form how she ruled her kingdom. She wanted to allow everyone a chance. Sadly, she is most remembered for expanding Russia's territory.

How did Catherine the great contribute to enlightenment ideas?

Catherine the Great contributed to Enlightenment ideas by promoting education and culture, implementing legal reforms, and fostering the arts and sciences in Russia. She corresponded with Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and supported religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and the betterment of her subjects' lives through reforms.

How did Catherine the Great become so great?

Catherine the Great was very open to the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. People like Voltaire helped her form how she ruled her kingdom. She wanted to allow everyone a chance. Sadly, she is most remembered for expanding Russia's territory.

What was Catherine the Great achievements and ideas?

She added 50,000 square miles to the Russian Territory. She was also the first Russian empress.

Did Catherine the Great try to make Russia more modern?

Peter the Great is the one most noted for westernizing or modernizing Russia. Catherine made some reforms, enlarged the country and continued to adopt western ideas, particularly as they applied to how a monarch should rule.

Peter the great and catherine the great changed Russia by?

Peter the Great started the process of westernizing Russia. He built St. Petersburg as his new capital. Catherine the Great brought in more European culture. She also began rebuilding the palace in Moscow.

Which people felt threatened by the ideas of the englightenment and why?

Monarchs, aristocrats, and the Catholic Church felt threatened by the ideas of the Enlightenment because they challenged traditional authority, promoted individual rights and freedoms, and advocated for secularism and the separation of church and state. These ideas undermined their power and control over society.

How did Catherine the Great change people lives during her time and even today?

Catherine the Great was very open to the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. People like Voltaire helped her form how she ruled her kingdom. She wanted to allow everyone a chance. Sadly, she is most remembered for expanding Russia's territory.

Were peter and Catherine the Great terrible?

Peter the Third was very childish and cruel. However, Catherine the Great was a wonderful ruler. She was very open to the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. People like Voltaire helped her form how she ruled her kingdom. She wanted to allow everyone a chance. Sadly, she is most remembered for expanding Russia's territory.