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Germany was hurt more by the treaty of versailles than by the depression

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Q: Which statement about the worldwide depression of the 1930s is a fact rather than an opinion?
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What kinds of words often indicate that a statement is an opinion rather than a fact?

Words like "I believe," "I think," "in my opinion," "probably," and "likely" typically indicate that a statement is an opinion rather than a fact. These words signal that the statement is based on personal interpretation or belief rather than objective evidence.

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"The movie was incredibly boring and poorly made." This statement reflects the author's subjective viewpoint and can be considered an opinion rather than a verifiable fact.

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Fact. A statement that can be proven is based on evidence or objective criteria, making it a fact rather than an opinion. Facts are verifiable and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings.

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The Square Deal was better than any other president's program would be a statement about President Theodore Roosevelt's square deal that is an opinion rather than a fact. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th U.S. President.

What words are a clue when reading an opinion?

Words like "I believe," "in my opinion," or "I feel" signal that the statement being made is the writer's personal opinion rather than a fact. These words help readers understand that the author is expressing their perspective or beliefs on a topic.

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It's difficult to tell but it's definitely an opinion rather than a statement.

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While this concept is part of Freudian theory, modern perspectives on depression are more complex and multifaceted than simply being anger turned inward. Depression is a complex mental health condition influenced by a variety of factors such as biological, psychological, and environmental. It is important to consider a range of factors when understanding and treating depression, rather than oversimplifying it as just anger turned inward.

What is a statement that is based on feelings judgments or predictions?

A statement based on feelings, judgments, or predictions is subjective in nature, reflecting an individual's personal viewpoint rather than verifiable facts. It can be influenced by personal experiences, biases, or emotions, making it open to interpretation and varying from person to person.

What is a empirical statement?

A statement based on practical experience rather than scientific proof

What of these statements represent an opinion rather than a fact that that could be used to support an essay about the Neolithic revolution?

"The transition to settled agriculture during the Neolithic revolution marked a significant advancement in human society." This statement represents an opinion as it reflects an interpretation of the event rather than an objective fact. It can be used to support an essay by providing a perspective on the impact of the Neolithic revolution on human development.

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There are in fact some medications that offer depression help. They are rather popular and are referred to antidepressants.