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Probably California, since Calif had the most casualties and the most MIAs.

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Q: Which state had the most enlisted to serve in Vietnam war?
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How do you know if you are a Vietnam Vet?

Most people know if they did or did not serve in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos from 1945 to 1975. Everyone who's a Vietnam Vet knows who they are.

How did most military women serve in Vietnam?

As Nurses ~Novanet Follow me on instagram:Monkyee

How did most Americans military women serve in Vietnam?

As Nurses ~Novanet Follow me on instagram:Monkyee

Female Korean Officers during Vietnam War?

The ROKs (Republic of Korea) may not have employed women in Vietnam. If they did, they were, as most females were in Vietnam/Korea/WWII/WWI...etc. nurses. And a great majority of female nurses in Vietnam were officers; any US female enlisted personnel was rare to non-existent.

How was the US Army that fought in Vietnam socially composed?

For the "most" part, the US Army had men from most, if not all walks of life in America. Men such as Elvis Presley, to sons of Generals were known to be within the enlisted ranks.

What state has the most servicemen?

California lost over 5,000 men in Vietnam; the highest of any state.

What state has most servicemen?

California lost over 5,000 men in Vietnam; the highest of any state.

Which state sent most soldiers to Vietnam?

California lost the most men; over 5,000 dead.

How many years can a state representative serve?

It varies according to each State's Constitution, but most don't have any limits.

How many years in a term does a state senator serve?

Depends on the State. The most common term is between 2 and 6 years, though.

Who served in the most number of wars?

After I enlisted in the Navy in 1974, I served with several Navy Seabees who had fought in World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Service members who retired after 30 years during that time would have served in all three wars.

Answers to the Enlisted Screening Test?

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