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Q: Which state had the largest concentration of American Indian or Alaska Native population?
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Does juneau have the largest population?

Juneau is the capital of Alaska but Anchorage has the largest population in Alaska.

Of the 50 states which one is the largest?

The state that is largest state in the United States by area is Alaska with the area of 656,425 square miles. 570,374 square miles of that is land, 86,051 of that is water, and 6,640 of that is coastline. The state that is the largest in the United States by population is California with the population of 33,871,648 according to the April, 2000 Census.

What is the State with largest area and the smallest population?

Alaska has the largest area and the smallest population density (That is, population relative to size).Note: Wyoming has the smallest population.

Which is the state with the largest area and the smallest population?

Alaska is the state with the largest area and the largest population density (That is, Population relative to size).

Largest state in the union?

The largest by area is Alaska. The largest by population is California. Texas is #2 in size AND population.

What is Alaska largest population?

About 698,473 in 2009.

Which the first largest state?

Alaska is the largest state; however, California has the largest population.

What is the largest city of Alaska what is its population?

Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska with a population of around 291,000 people. It serves as the economic and cultural hub of the state.

What is the 1st and second largest states in the United States?

Alaska is the largest and Texas is 2ndThe largest U.S. state by area is Alaska. The largest by population is California. The second-largest U.S. state by both area and population is Texas.

What is the Home of the largest concentration of nesting birds of prey in North America?

The Largest concentration would probably be the Bald Eagle in various cities in the state of Alaska.

Population of Alaska?

Alaska's estimated population was 738,432 as of July 1, 2015 per the U.S. Census Bureau. Alaska is the 48th largest U.S. state based on population.

What is the largest town in Alaska?

Anchorage is the most populated city followed by Fairbanks.