the growth of the agricultural class, whose leaders wanted to expand overseas and increase their share of world trade so that they could rid themselves of surplus crops
The Austrian Empire, the Prussian Empire, Poland, and the Northern Italian principalities call refrained from colonizing territories in the Americas. In fact, the European countries that did colonize only included: UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Russia.
catholic church
Spain was responsible for colonizing most of South America in the sixteenth century.
Monroe Doctrine stopped Europe from colonizing land from America.
Essecially America started by European exploration and the colonizing of the Americas by Columbus and England.
the spanish and the portuguese
The Monroe Doctrine
there could been when European countries were colonizing south america
Type your answer here... france
America interest in the western land of new Mexico and California increased. By; SlowB-LaKuRa.
The catholic church
establishing colonies in North America
Portugal stayed entirely in South America.
Aztec Gold
spain and portugal