

Best Answer

Northern Black Widows are the only known severely poisonous Spiders in Vermont.

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Q: Which spiders in Vermont are dangerous?
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Continue Learning about General History

Who was the founder of Vermont?

the founder of vermont is Ronald Reagan

What was the biggest challenge for the new colonists at Jamestown in 1607?

there were a large ammount of dangerous insects, the biggest of which were spiders. The Native Americans help them fight off diseases and they became close allies.

What is Vermont's state legislature called?

The Vermont General Assembly.

What is the queen city of Vermont?

Burlington , Vermont. Largest city in State. Burlington and Rutland are the only above 15,000 in Vermont.

What colony was founded 100 years after Maryland colony?


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Are furrow spiders dangerous?

Furrow spiders belong to the genus Larinioides.These spiders weave orb webs. No spiders that weave orb webs are dangerous to humans.

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What 5 spiders live in Vermont?

5 spiders my eye! I have more than 5 different types in my house never mind all the different spiders outdoors.

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Are spiders that swim dangerous?

They can be : most spiders use venom to paralyze their prey.

Do money spiders bite?

yes money spiders do bite they are extremely dangerous and will kill you if they bite! money spiders (jumping spiders) are in one of the top worlds dangerous spiders and there is still no existing cure for if it injects its venom into you many people have died thinking the money spider is non affective and of cute because it is small please do not be fulled it is DANGEROUS!

What type of spiders live in Vermont?

Some common spiders found in Vermont include the wolf spider, garden spider, orb-weaver spider, and sac spider. Additionally, venemous species such as the northern black widow and the brown recluse have also been reported in the state.

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Are sea spiders dangerous to humans?

yes they are. there venom is more dangruos then any other spiders in the world. if they bite you there is no saving you.

Are brown recluse spiders dangerous to cats?

Yes, they are just as dangerous to animals as they are to humans.